
Are all of your books about cats?

No. We love cats, but they don't feature in most of our titles.

Which came first, the Wayward Cat name and logo, or the children's books with Wayward Cat?

Our name and logo came first. It was a year after we were founded that the idea of a series of children's books featuring our quirky wayward cat hit us over the head.

I'd like to sign up for your newsletter, but I don't like a lot of spam and a crowded inbox. How often do you send them out?

Our newsletter lands in email inboxes on the second Tuesday of each month. The Wayward Cat Book News is not just about our books. Instead, it features new and noteworthy books, quotes, poetry, and fun vocabulary. And there's always a surprise at the end. Give it a try. It's easy to unsubscribe if you change your mind.

How many cats do you have?

Sadly, at this time, we have only one cat. His name is Squeakers and he is the model for the cat of the same name in Wayward Cat Finds a Home.

On Writing & Publishing

How can I submit my book for publication?

We are sorry, but Wayward Cat Publishing is closed to submissions at this time.

How can I tell if your books are suitable for my child?

We urge readers to preview samples of our books using the wonderful "Look Inside" feature available on our Kindle editions at Amazon.com. With that in mind, our Wayward Cat Adventures series is suitable for children of all ages and Zombie Cats is aimed at kids aged 9 and up.

What writing tools do you recommend?

I use WriteItNow Creative Writing Software and love it!


Wayward Cat Book News